In 1969, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Preschool was founded to meet the growing need for quality preschools in the Bay Ridge community. Since its inception, Our Saviour’s has worked in conjunction with its school board to provide nurturing, age-appropriate early learning experiences for preschool aged children.  We are a secular, community-based organization which welcomes children of all faiths, cultures and backgrounds.  There is no religious instruction.

As an early childhood institution, we employ teachers and administrators licensed by the New York State Department of Education.

At Our Saviour’s, we enjoy effective partnerships and often collaborate with other local organizations in meeting the needs and welcoming children and families from the entire Bay Ridge area. We are fully licensed by the Department of Health. We are a community-based organization in partnership with the Department of Education in providing Universal Prekindergarten Program services for four year-olds. In recognition of our high-quality educational services, we received accreditation from The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) in 2006. Presently, only 5% of licensed schools in New York City have earned this prestigious award.

OSLP has served over five thousand children in our long history. Currently, we have been welcoming back former students as they enroll children of their own. We are proud of our history and look forward to continuing to grow as we meet the needs of this dynamic, changing neighborhood.